Sunday 2 October 2011

Photoshoot - featuring the second character

On Thursday the 29th me and my group decided to do another photo shoot, but this time with our characters second personality - the mental home patient, I feel that as the film trailer will feature both characters we need to include these characters in either our poster or magazine.
I plan to do my poster in a half/half effect on one side will be half of one characters face (the villain) and on the other character face (the mental home patient). I think that this is a good idea for my poster as it will show the audience that the two characters in some way are linked and this will make them curious and increase their interest in the film.
After our questionnaire and interview we found that the poster has a large impact on whether our target audience go to see a film, so with this evidence I feel that the poster needs to be incredibly striking and effective.
I think that featuring both characters in the poster would be very effective as it will show their importance to the film.
The first set of photos (of the villain) were incredibly striking and effective so I had hoped that our next set of images would be equally strong. It was important that both characters look very different as we do not want our audience to guess too much about the film. I feel that in this next set of photos the character is not as bold and dramatic, but they do look different, which I am happy with. Overall I do not think that our second photo shoot was as successful as the first as there were no photos that were particularly striking or scary, I think more than anything it  was because we struggled to get the emotion and anger of the mental home patient shown through the photos. Overall I am much happier with using the photos of the villain, as her dramatic eye make up made the character more eye catching and suited to be on a poster, whereas the ones taken of the mental home patient I do not like as much as they look quite dull and the character in many looks bored or sleepy.
These are the photos that we have taken,
The first five are the ones that I liked best: 
This I feel is one of the stronger images that were taken, in this image I like the angle, as directed we wanted to shoot slightly above our model to elongate the face, and make the eyes look much larger and striking. I do like the angle of the face as it makes the character look sinister and vengeful. This is the only image in which the character looks angry, showing that she is not as innocent as she seems. We straightened the hair to stick to horror film conventions and create a ghost like look, like the characters in horror films like 'the grudge' and 'the ring'. The white dress symbolises innocence and purity and we wanted the characters innocent side to be reflected well,  and I think it is through the use of mise en scene.
This image is quite similar to the first however it is more of a close up and the eyes are much wider the eyebrows are furrowed and so she looks quite evil, but there is a childlike smirk on her face I like the redness under her eyes (which was done using red face paint to create a sleepless look). The red under the eye could be symbolic of blood and gore, and it makes the character look stressed and sleepless which is what the persona of the mental home character is. I think that this was the best image that was taken as the angle elongates her face and is more flattering that the others, I like the soft, serious look her smile is slightly innocent and intriguing - her facial expression looks quite secretive
 I do not really like the expression in this image as it doesn't look very realistic, and I think the hair is on the face which spoils the perfect neat look we wanted the straight hair to create. Also I think at this point the make up had rubbed off and it does not look as effective. This close up shot is not really ideal as we wanted to put an emphasis on the dress and the long hair but you cannot really see them in this shot.

In this shot we see actress Shona looking deranged and uneasy, I like this image as I feel that it reflects Scarlets true emotions quite well, although we want to portray Scarlet as gentle, fragile and innocent at the start of the trailer this image reflects that she is not as innocent as she appears, and is in fact mad and aggressive. I like the tilted angle of Shona's face as it works much more effectively that the images of her being perfectly still, her expressions and body language go together suggesting that she is frustrated and angry. I like how intense and strong her eyes look in this image and the way they look directly into the lens makes a viewer feel quite tense as she is looking directly at them.
This next image is quite unusual and strange to look at the angle of her face is very unusual and changes the way her face shape appears. As she has her mouth open and her chin down, her face looks rather triangular and her eyes look much bigger, making her look more scary and unhinged. I like the image as it makes Scarlet seen unusual and pained, it reminds me of posters I have seen for the grudge as the main character, Kayako always appears wide-eyed with her mouth wide open making her look much more frightening for the viewer as the way her face is distorted suggests agony or pain.
This is a long shot of actress Shona, here you can see that her look is very contrasting to her other personality of the villain. Here I think that Shona looks quite innocent, childlike and vulnerable reflecting the characters more innocent side, I like this image but I think that the close-up shots have a stronger impact on a viewer then this long shot does. The use of a long shot enables the viewer to look at the whole of the character, what they are wearing and their surrounding environment. However by using a close up a viewer would be forced to look directly at the characters face and analyse the expression and close ups create a much more intense sinister vibe as the main character would be staring straight at the viewer which would draw them in more.
I like the anger in this shot, the expression shows extreme anger, however I still feel like this image is not strong enough as it is quite blurred. I like the expression and the bags under her eyes as she looks tired, frustrated and restless, which is the emotional rage that we wanted this character to reflect. I think that this image is very serious and intese, but the expression would relate more to Scarlets evil personality rather than her more innocent persona that these new images we trying to portray.

In this image the character looks quite bored, and the photo is not really suitable for a magazine or poster as it is not really eye catching and does not portray anything about the character - in this photo I feel that no emotion comes across and I would have like the image to look more frightening. This could be resolved by making her look paler, tidying her hair, and also I do not like the angle.


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