Sunday 9 October 2011

Final Poster Photoshoot

As I had wanted to do a half half face showing both characters for my film poster I had decided to do another photoshoot so that I could put two different styles of make up on each half of the models face, so it would represent both characters. I am very happy with the photo's as it presents the idea I had very well and now I have the final images for my poster.
Below are the photographs that I had taken, which I will now use for my poster:
This photo is one of my favourites as it shows the mental home patient looking from profile at the camera and then her reflection shows her other personality, I used the flash on my camera in a slightly darked room to create the black eerie effect. I like how this photo turned out as the half showing the evil character is darker, which symbolises darkness. mystery and the unknown. I think this image is extremely effective and the dark effect was created when I used the flash on my camera so it show both of Scarlets personalities through the mirror but the viewer would not be able to see the mirror.
This final image is the one that I have decided to use for my poster as it captures both characters extremely well. I like the angle as she glaring up at the camera, and you can see both sides of her face very well, it is a very strong eye-catching photo as it is unusual and makes you look twice. The emotion shown by both characters is anger, which is good because the mental home patient is angry and out to seek revenge, whereas the villain is evil, and a killer so the facial expression relates to both characters I especially like the anger in her eyes as it portrays the fierce angry personality of both characters.

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