Wednesday 19 October 2011

Mintute meeting - refine trailer in steps

On Tuesday 11th October my team members and I had a meeting about what we wanted to show in our trailer we noted down in order what would happen in the trailer.
I took notes of what will happen in the trailer in each step;
Beginning of trailer:
Corridoor Scene -
We will see the back of the mental home patient as she enters the mental home (behind the shoulder shot)
Camera Flash
Mental home patient hold a patient sign as she gets her picture taken.

Patient will sit on a chair in her cell staring at the camera with her eyes wide (She know that she is being watched) (high angle shot as she sits in the room and looks up at the camera).

--FLASHBACK-- (Black and White)
Mental home patient and her sister on sings.
Mental home patient and sister playing in a field.

Back to colour
-Mental home patient rocking on the floor in her cell
- We then see the mental home patient crying after remembering her sister.


'Villain behind the sister (who is on the swing) with the murder weapon (croebar)

Mental home patient sitting in her cell starting to get hysterical - she hits the walls, screams and starts to frantically rip her hair our.
She starts banging and scratching the walls she tries to escape the cell.

TRANSITION - which will be done in the editing suite

Mental home patient running down an alleyway looking behind her (She has escaped the mental home). She sees a wanted poster of herself, she tears it of the wall (camera zooms into poster).

Mental home patient enters her old family home......

She walks upstairs (which will be filmed on the stage in St Orsburgs)
4 steps - She sees an old photos of her and her sister and gets upset.

She walk over to an old mirror (drops the photo) - in a longshot we see her looking in the mirror and her sisters reflection appears out of nowhere (her sisters ghost).
She turns around and her sister is not there.

She runs away (past the camera)

We then see the villain or alter ego
We see the mental home patient walking into the woods and then it switches to show the villains scene,
- she is in the oark communicating with the dead (she is alone in the wood with a circle of candles around her)

The villain then walks across the bridge holding the croebar (on her way to murder the sister).
She screams into the camera she growls at the camera and says something - her face is only seen clearly at the end.


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