Thursday 6 October 2011

Practice trailer - First Draft

On Thursday, my team members and I started filming, we needed to make a first draft of our trailer so that we could look at it a critically analyse it. We filmed our draft trailer in school, and we made it very simple, we just filmed one character as we did not use any different styles of hair or make up that will be featured in our film. We practised filming in the mound at school as it is an eerie secluded spot, we filmed footage showing both personalities of our character, we started off with having our character skipping and running around, and being seemingly innocent and childlike, reflecting her pure innocent side. We then showed the character becoming more irritable and aggressive and she begins to throw things and screams hysterically, showing her crazed and violent side.
As for camerawork we used a hand held camcorder to follow the character into the woods to create a realistic effect to our film, throughout the trailer the camera follows Shona, as if we were really there with her, making the ending seem scarier as Shona runs towards the camera and screams, then the camera tilts as if it has fallen. This made our trailer more scary as when Shona comes towards the camera it looks like she is chasing after us, scaring the viewer into feeling that what they are seeing is real. Also the hand held look, makes the film look home made, it is different to other films as it looks like the viewer is a part of the film world.
In our trailer we edited the footage using movie maker we decided to use and old black and white effect and we made the film motion slightly slower so that each movement Shona made was exaggerated, this created an old film style effect. Our films is set in the past (1950's) so we do want it to have a old look to it, overall I think that our first draft turned out well and has helped us to become more familiar at using movie maker.
We have looked at the trailer and discussed what we would do differently, we have decided to make the flashbacks that our character has of her sister will be in black and white to make it look older (as it will be in her past) and so there is a distinction between what is happening to her at present and what memories she is reflecting back on.

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