Monday 17 October 2011

Magazine name

For our promotional package we will be producing a magazine promoting the film, but first we will need a name for our magazine, here is a list of magazine names that I have come up with:
Silver Screen, Five Star, Screen Star, Movie Magic, Screen Queens, Scare Screen, Fright films, Preview Pass, Future Films, Spoiler, The Film Spy, Final Cut, FlashForward, Feature, Final Cut, Golden Screen, Hollywood Hits, Making Movies, Film Fanatic, Cinematic, Motion Movies, Theatre Thrillers, Motion Pictures, Motion Magic, Movie House, Rewind and/or FastForward,

This is a list of names that I have come up with as potential magazine names, I will need to discuss my ideas with my group to see which one they like best and then this will be our final name. The names that I have chosen are all film related but I have not chosen a name that related to the horror genre as we had already decided as a group that we wanted a more general name so that the magazine is more open to all genres of film.
The names that I like the most are ' The Film Spy', 'Cinematic', 'Rewind', 'Motion Movies', 'Final Cut', 'FlashForward', 'Golden Screen', 'FastFoward', 'Future Films' and 'Theatre Thrillers'.

The names are all film related so that a reader would know, by the magazine name, what the magazine will be about, by using cinema or film realted words it has made the magazine become more relevant to films and reviews.
I will discuss my ideas for names with my group so that we can choose a final name and we can start finalizing our magazine mastheads.                                            

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