Monday 17 October 2011


To help us with the organisation of our trailer and the order in which each clip will follow in, we have decided to draw out the storyboard rather than using pictures as we have alot of costumes, props and settings we will need to use if we were to take photographs.
We will use simple pictures and text underneath to describe what is happening in each scene, our trailer will follow a specific order and we want it to get more fast paced as the trailer progresses as this is what we have seen in alot of the most effective horror film trailers, so we have decided to add the more scary and striking scenes (featuring the villain) towards the end of the trailer.
This is a snapshot of what our story board looks like, I drew the images in each box showing what will happen in each clip, as a group we decided what will happen and how many seconds we are hoping each clip will take up. This has helped us to organise our trailer so that we will be fully prepared when we start filming.
This storyboard shows that we will start off with the mental home patient, entering the home sitting alone in a secluded room having flashbacks of her and her sister, and reminiscing of her childhood, the trailer will then show her seeing her sister being murdered and her mental state gets worse, the killer will remain a mystery until the end of the trailer, but throughout the trailer it will be obvious that the mental home patient does not know that she is the killer.                                       

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