Sunday 30 October 2011

Editing for final footage

On 31st of October we went to the media suite to edit the footage for our trailer using movie maker on the Apple Mac computers. Me and one of my team members uploaded the clips that we had filmed during the holidays onto the computer and then watched them back, as we did not film lots of the same scene we did not have to watch the same scene over and over. The scenes we looked at were of a good quality and we were pleased with them.

However after looking at the clip where it shows me (playing a ghost) appearing and then disappearing in the mirror, as we had filmed separate clips - the mental home patient looking in the mirror, was filmed as one clip, then the ghost standing in the mirror looking at the patient, was another, and then the mental home patient turning around looking scared after noticing was another. We found as these clips were all separate we could not merge them together so the scene did not flow properly, both me and my team member did not like that there was a pause before the ghost appears as it did not look very genuine. However after numerous attempts to try and merge the three clips we found that we were unable to link them together, which we did not like, but we did agree that the scene did still look effective but it would have looked better without the pause in between clips.
We looked at the clips and noticed that alot of them were far too long, we decided that we needed to get our trailer organised and put the clips that we had already filmed in the order that they would be shown in the trailer. To help us with this we wrote down what would happen in the trailer first, we talked about each clip in depth, as we found that our trailer appeared to be quite confusing so we got rid of one scene completely and changed some clips around so that the story was more clear in our trailer.
After having the order down in written form we then moved the clips from my camera to movie maker (we only used the clips that we had decided that we wanted to use). We put the clips in the order of which we intended them to be shown, we understood that there were clips that were yet to be filmed they were:
- The mental home patient getting her photo taken as she enters the home
- The mental home patient leaving the home
- The mental home patient walking down an alleyway ripping down the wanted posters of herself.
- The evil character screaming into the camera (the final scene)

We put the clips we had in order, so that our trailer was organised and we decided to change the order in which we planned. Also we had one scene where the mental home patient was in a circle of candles (shown below).
We decided that this scene was not really needed and was irrelevant to our film, we wanted to show the interesting and important parts so that the viewer would get a good knowledge of the film. This clip shows the character meditating, and trying to connect with the dead, however we felt that the clip looked quite amateur as it was filmed in daylight and it would confuse the viewer.

After making these decisions we watched the trailer in order and found that it was very long - we wanted it to start off slow but we found that it was far too slow which made the trailer seem boring and we really want to keep the viewer engaged in what they were watching.
We made lots of clips much shorter as we found that they were around 10seconds and this was too long, so we shortened then to around 4-7 seconds, which we thought was suitable to keep the trailer interesting.

We discussed sound that we wanted to use, and effects that we needed such as a camera flash and a fuzzy TV screen effect, which was inspired by the ring as the fuzzy screen made it seen really and much more scary and intense.
Overall I am pleased with the amount that we had got done in the lesson, as we now feel much more organised, however we were missing a member of the group, so we will need to tell her about all of the changes and progress we have made with the trailer. Next lesson we hope to start editing in the media suite on Final Cut.

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