Saturday 15 October 2011


On Saturday 15th September my team member and I went to Ausley park to begin filming parts of our trailer, we decided that we would not film both characters at one as this would include alot of time being taken up by doing hair and make up for both the mental home patient and the villain.
We decided that we would film the main character and her sister playing together as children, as these scenes require the characters to wear 'normal' clothes and we would not need to put too much time into hair, make up and costume.
The scenes that we needed to film were the flashbacks that the mental home patient would have of herself and her sister playing happily before her sister was murdered. These scenes will be edited in the media suite and made to be black and white to make the clips look older and so there can be a distinction between the flashbacks and real life in the trailer. 
Costume and make up - Mise en scene

For our main character Scarlet (played by Shona) we wanted her to look childlike and innocent so we decided that she should wear a dress, the colour of her dress was not really a problem as the clip would be shown in black and white, but we did discuss that she should not wear anything black as we did not want there to be any similarity between the metal patient as a child and the villain as we do not want the viewer to know that they are the same person. The character wore no make up as we wanted her to appear fresh faced and young, and we chose to halve her hair natural and slightly curled.

In the flashbacks the patient will have, there will be two characters the mental home patient and her sister, in our casting session we had decided that the part of the sister would be played by myself, we wanted the sister (who we decided to call Elizabeth, one of the potential names for our main character, who we decided to call Scarlet) to look younger and again childlike and innocent, we decided for her to wear a white dress to show innocence and purity, and also as we show the villain murdering Elizabeth, the villain will wear black and the victim will wear white, so the colour will contrast showing the contrast in both characters personalities, both colours black and white are symbolic and relate to the characters. We chose to have her hair curly so that there would be some similarity with the characters to show that they are linked. Elizabeth is Scarlets adoptive sister (but Scarlet does not know this) so we wanted there to be an obvious difference between the characters so that they did not look exactly the same.

The first flashback that was filmed shows both sisters playing happily on the swings, this was supposed to be one of Scarlets happy childhood memories, so we wanted both girls to look happy. We chose to have the girls on the swings, we found a set of just two swings which was perfect as we were able to show the girls playing together on two swings that were away from anything else.
The swings are relevant to the film trailer as this is where the girls would meet as children, and it would later on in the trailer be the place where the sister would be murdered. We used the swings so that in the murder scene it would look like Elizabeth is waiting for her sister to come.

In the next flashback, we filmed the scene in a field full of flowers, we liked the visual aspect of filming in this setting in particular, also as it is a happy flashback we wanted the flowers to be symbolic of innocence and happiness, the setting in which we filmed the flashback made it look much more appealing and effective.
In the clip (which will last around 2-5 seconds) it shows the two sisters running around and playing in the fields, this will show the happier memories of Scarlet.

After filming these flashbacks we decided that we would film the scenes showing the villain, we changed Shona's costume to a black lace dress (we had already decided the colour of Shona's character would be black as it was symbolic of evil) with a netted black skirt layered over the top, this gave the character a witch-like haunting vibe, we wanted the character to look older than the younger girl in the flashbacks, so we used high heeled black lace up boots to make her look taller and older, the shoes we used we just wanted to create height but the colour had to be black as we want the characters costume (colour) to represent her personality.
I used black, gold and purple eye - liner, like in the photoshoot I creadted a dramatic feathered effect the eye make up was very over the top and eccentric which is what we wanted our character to be reflected as, also the use of the black liner made Shona look frightening and unusual.

In the first clip featuring the villain we decided to have Shona walking across a bridge, again we liked the visual aspect this would create, below is a snapshot I took between fiming of Shona on the bridge:
The bridge had trees and branches in the background which gave the setting a more sinister and scary effect, also the scene itself would look very unusual as the bridge is very high up so it would make the viewer feel scared and uneasy.
In this scene we would show Shona walking across the bridge with the murder weapon (a croebar) we decided against using the bat as we felt that the croebar would look like a much more convincing murder weapon. The scene would show the character on her way to the park to murder her sister, we felt that this scene would be at the end of our trailer because we wanted it to get more scary and fast paced towards the end. The villain walks slowly towards the camera carrying the croebar, this creates an eerie sense of reality, as the character walks towards the camera it looks as if she is walking towards the viewer which will really put them on edge. We plan for this clip to last again 2-4 seconds as we want the ending to be extremely fast paced.
After the scene of the bride we had decided previously in the week that we wanted to have a scene where the character appeared to be possesed and communicating with the dead, we wanted our character to be in the centre of a cirle of lit candles to make her look like she is meditating, this scene was quite strange and surreal but it would reflect Scarlets evil person, we found it very difficult however to light the candles as they would keep blowing out in the wind and when they were lit because it was daylight they would not show up on the camera.
Our final scene was when Scarlet would murder her sister, for this scene we went to the swings again as I was playing the sister I would sit on the swing while Shona came up behind me slowly with a crowar, we would not show myself getting hurt as the clip would stop when Shona raised the crowbar to my head. This scene had to be shot quite alot as sometimes Shona would not be visible behind me or the crowbar as it was heavy slipped out of Shona's hand or could not be seen through the camera lens, however we were able to work out the problems by moving the camera closer and eventually Shona got used to the crowbar.

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