Thursday 10 November 2011

First Draft

Practise Trailer 1st attempt from Kiran Unes on Vimeo.

This is the first draft of our film trailer - we decided to film our trailer in the mound at school as we wanted to experiment with different shots and angles and we were practising using the camera. For our first draft we did not put as much of an emphasis on both of the split personalities through the use of costume and make up like we plan to.
Our first draft shows Shona (playing main character Scarlet) in 'the woods' acting happy and childlike and then breaking down into tears at the end if the trailer we see Scarlet becoming violent and aggressive she lunges towards the camera and knocks it over.
The camera in our first draft was hand held and shaky, this was done to make the footage look realistic and to make it seem that Scarlet was being followed by the viewer, we felt that the use of a hand held camera would create a scary sense of reality for the viewer. The end is the most effective part of our draft as Shona approaches the camera and screams, which I think is very scary and effective. We used a film grain effect on the footage and changed it to black and white by changing the brightness, contrast and saturation we also made the footage appear in slow motion to make it look like an old video tape.

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