Saturday 26 November 2011

Second draft of trailer - created on movie maker

This is the second draft of our edited trailer, we used movie maker to shorter clips and put them in the order in which we wanted to show them. This is how we have progressed in making our trailer, I feel that it is much better than our first draft through the use of costume, make up and locations, I feel that our final footage is much more scary and dramatic that the first draft. As this is only the second draft we have not yet added effects or sound to it but we plan to use a soundtrack and a voice over in the final trailer.
In the first scene we see the mental home patient walking down the hallway this clip is silent but we plan to add an opening line which we have discussed to be explaining what has happened to Scarlet. In this clip the way she walks is haunting and unusual highlighting the characters nature and suggesting that she herself is not normal, I feel that the scene is an effective opening scene, however as she is walking slowly the scene itself is quite long
making it last very long and as a viewer this may make them bored, so I think that making this clip shorter would be a good idea, also at the very beginning we had not noticed but you can hear my voice saying 'go' to begin the scene so this must also be removed.
The second clip shows scarlet sitting alone in a room this clip last for 4 seconds which we feel is much too long as the viewers will lose interest, we plan to change this clip to last around 1-2 seconds to ensure that our trailer does not run too long. The next clip is is black and white (we added the negative effect on movie maker by changing the brightness, contrast and exposure). it shows one of Scarlets flashbacks of a memory of her and her sister playing on the swings as children I think that this scene is effective because it looks very realistic - the flashback is shown in black and white to differentiate past and present, I like that the scene was filmed in the park as it has significance to the rest of the trailer as it is where Scarlets sister was murdered.
In the next clip we see Scarlet rocking back and forth in her cell, this was filmed from a high angle so it looks like a high angle surveillance camera which makes it look more realistic as it looks like a prison cell, the clip shows her reaction to the flashbacks she has while she is sitting alone. After looking back on this clip we have decided to make this clip shorter too as we only want the longer scenes to show the scarier more dramatic footage. After this clip we see another flashback which shows Scarlet and her sister chasing each other in a field of flowers, this is to show the children's innocence and it shows the viewer Scarlets memories this is also shown in black and white to make it look old and authentic.
The screen is dark when Scarlet is having a nightmare as it was shot in the dark, the scene looks fussy purposely and was done in most of the scenes showing Scarlets innocent side.
After this we see the empty chair, showing that Scarlet has left, from looking at this draft I have noticed that this clip is much too long - nothing actually happens in this clip so it does not need to be as long as it is, also the next scene is also much too long it shows Scarlet running into her old home and tidying up before noticing a mirror and then seeing her sisters reflection, I feel that this scene is still quite slow and needs to be cut. After this scene we see scarlet running and ripping down posters, this scene should be cut at the start as the trailer itself runs quite slow and does get boring, also I have noticed that when the ripped poster is shown to viewers the camera gets quite shaky so this needs to be resolved.
Next we see Scarlet's evil persona walking across the bridge - I think scene was extremely effective as Scarlet come right up to the screen with her face covered leaving the viewers unsuspecting - I like the flow of the last few scenes as I think that it is much more scary than the footage of Scarlets innocent persona, after this clip we see the murder scene, this is also show as Scarlets nightmare, but now the viewers see the face of the murderer and realise that it is in fact Scarlet. I think the final scene creates the most tension, the use of the pan is very effective as the landscape looks peaceful until Scarlet pops up and surprises the viewers I think that this scene is very effective and would make the viewers jump, I like this scene as it will leave the viewers feel intrigued and scared.
The trailer does not yet have sound so when we add the audio it will be much more gripping and effective. We also plan to edit the trailer more in the media suite to create our final product.


So far we have found that the trailer has ran very long, and at some points it can appear slow which may bore the viewer, so we have decided to cut some clips even shorter so that the trailer does not run past one minute and thirty seconds, we have decided that some clips are much longer that they need to be and we have not yet added into this second draft two scenes, which would make the trailer even longer, this two final scenes will be filmed in the next week and we will then have all of our final footage filmed. So far I am pleased with the footage that we have filmed - especially the very last scene as we feel that it gave the trailer the scary impact that it needed and it would make the viewers jump. Now we will begin to add sounds and effects to our trailer such as transitions, voice overs and we will also have children singing in the background which we feel will give the trailer an eerie vibe making it stick in the viewers mind.

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