Saturday 12 November 2011


This was the 'set' used to film the mental home patient returning to her old home. We filmed most of the scenes featuring the mental home patient at St Orburgs Church hall, we chose to use the hall because it was a large empty available space with a stage; this gave us alot to work with. We like how plain the hall was as it was suitable to use for Scarlet's cell, as we needed a blank white room. To create the empty cell we just moved the church
benches to make the stage empty. To create the scene in the old house we tried our best to make it look like a home, we used a table some old chairs and we wanted the 'house' to look old and run down so we put some sheets over the church benches, we tried to make the room look as messy as possible as we needed to make the house look abandoned and 'untouched'. We learnt the mirror on a bench, as it was significant to the scene that we wanted to film and the mirror holds a key memory from scarlets past.

For our film trailer we have had to look at the best locations of where to film, we had discussed possible placed since the summer and we had all came to an agreement that we wanted to film our trailer outside of school. For our photo shoot we wanted something that would give a strong visual aspect to the magazine and poster, so we opted for somewhere quite picturesque - we liked the eeriness of Coundon wedge so we chose to take some photos there, later in the day we went to ausley park and we really liked the field of flowers, from this we decided that we wanted to film the flashbacks of Scarlet's (our main character) childhood in the field as the flowers were very visually appealing and in way they symbolised the innocence of the characters memories. We decided to use this scene for one of the two flashbacks as it shows the sisters chasing each other - for this we wanted to use a field and thought the flowers created an effective look to the scene.

We chose to use this location to film Scarlets evil alter ego, we had came past this bridge on our way to the fields and really liked how it looked - the perspective of the bridge makes it look extremely long and almost never ending, we used this bridge as it would show the murderer travelling to go and kill the younger sister, initially we were going to use an isolated alleyway for this scene, however the isolated bridge would be much more dramatic - the trees that framed the bridge created a scary eerie effect and also gave the impression that the villain was in the woods, also as we shot the scenes in the afternoon we really likes the leaf pattern shadows that were created on the bridge. This location was chosen again for the visual aspect - we were thinking of what would look better and more appealing to a viewer watching the trailer and both the bridge and the wood would relate well to the horror film genre.


This is where we decided to film the scene of the murder and one of the flashbacks, we wanted to find somewhere that could relate to a childhood memory, we chose the park as it is typically where children go to play and the swing mould make the characters seem childlike and innocent, which is exactly what we wanted to portray. At the park we had a choice to use a set of five swings or a set of two, we decided to use the the set of two as it looked more old fashioned and we didn't want the scene or the shot to be distracted by other obstacles, and by having just two swings the viewer could just focus on the two girls on the set of two swings. We wanted to have a place where we could show the girl being murdered and we thought that by having just two swings during the murder scene one of the swings would be empty so the viewers would know that something is wrong. 
This final image is of a corridor that we had came across in Nottingham, this was the first place that we had chose to film Scarlet entering the home as we really liked this open corridor, and even filmed mock clips of actress, Shona, walking down the corridor, although we liked the space and the look of the corridor as it had an eerie hospital vibe and the colours white and red really looked good together, the colours hear could have been symbolic - the white would represent Scarlets innocence and the red would signify blood and danger, which would have been perfect to foreshadow a visual message to viewers. However we found that there were two problems with this space - one being that it was quite busy and there would always be people walking past and the location was not ideal - to get the space empty we would have had to have got to Nottingham to film very early and also Nottingham was very far away for all of the team members, because of this we decided to compromise and use St Orburgs Church Hall instead.  

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