Wednesday 16 November 2011

Minute meetings - discussing final magazine and poster

For our promotional package we need to create a magazine and a poster promoting the film, at first we were going to all create a separate poster and magazine and then chose the best one, however we chose not to do this and instead chose the things that we liked best out of each members own poster and magazine cover and merge them together to create the final product, yesterday we printed all of our separate magazine covers and posters to chose which bits of the different covers/ posters we will use to create the final product. We voted whose masthead/text/image we liked best and wrote them down, below is a picture of everyone's final product:

Amy's final product

 This is a picture of the final product that Amy had produced, I really liked this cover as it was very bold and creative I really liked the colour scheme that Amy had chosen to use which was white, black, purple and red, her colour scheme made the magazines text stand out so that it did not fade into the background and readers were able to clearly see it, I liked the text 'Who am I' as the contrasting colours black and white made the text look incredibly striking. Amy's image was my favourite out of the three as it was scary in a realistic way the angle of the face is quite surreal making the character seem quite deranged, and in this image shona's hair covers have of her face give the image an element of mystery, also the make up looks very dark and bold making it look extremely eye catching. I think that the image would really grab the readers attention and it promotes the genre of the film very well as the image itself is scary, intriguing and mysterious. Amy has added a puff on the bottom of the cover which I thought made it look very authentic and was very original, I think the contrasting colours black and white make it very bold and relates to Amy's chosen colour scheme. The masthead was my favourite part of her magazine as it is very authentic looking - I like the thin font as it is very unique and it reminds me of old fashioned film magazine such as 'Hollywood studio' adding to its authentic look, I also like the bold colours that she has used as it make the masthead really stand out against the page, and the drop shadow that she has used as made it even more eye catching.

Shona's final product

 This is Shona's final magazine cover, she chose to use a close up image which I thought was very effective as it creates a strong impact on the reader, like the empire cover promoting the dark knight, where we see a close up of the jokers face. I think the use of a close up adds to the serious scary impact that the cover, and the image is extremely strong and effective. Shona has chosen to use the colour scheme purple, green and white, the font stands out against the page and is very visible as it is important for readers to be able to read what the cover says about the content. The masthead is large and dominant and is also a main focus, she has used purple and had outlined it in grey making it bold and giving it a cartoon like style. I think the magazine cover is bold and eye catching and I do think the use of a close up has proved incredibly effective.

My final magazine cover
This is a copy of my final magazine cover I have used the main colour scheme of red, white, black and purple. I chose to use red as it gave the viewers a feel for what the isuue is about - my magazine's issue focuses on horror as it was promoting a horror film, so the text on my cover reads 'Horror Film Special'. I chose the red font as it insinuates blood, danger and gore - realting to the issues content and the film. I found that some of my text was too dark, I used dark colours to give my magazine a serios but mysterious vibe, I like the text on my cover but Shona felt that my cover looked far too busy as there was too much text and did not like my chosen colour scheme as there were too many colours - I disagree as I feel that the readers should know about the content of the magazine as what they see on the cover can determine whether or not the purchase the magazine, however in our final cover we had voted to only use a small amount of text about the content on the cover. I am happy with my cover as I like the brightness of my image and I feel that it promotes the film and the genre of horror quite well as does Amy's and s because the colour scheme promotes the fims well as does all of the chosen images.

For the magazines we have chosen to use Amy's masthead, as we liked the style and font that she had used, I thought that this masthead was the best as it had an old style to it which reminded me of the more old fashioned film magazines such as 'Hollywood studio' (below) and 'Premiere' (also below) I like this simple old fashioned look and I think that Amy's masthead captures this look very well, this style of masthead is not very common, so it looks very eye catching as it gives the magazine it own unique style, the masthead should be a main focus as it is a crucial part of the magazines image as the viewers will need to know what the magazine is called , especially if they want to buy it again so to have an original eye catching masthead was very important to us, reflecting our decision on choosing the masthead designed by Amy.
Premier magazine cover - it shows an old
authentic looking masthead.
Next we had to choose the main image, although all of them were good we took the decision to use the main image on my magazine cover, this was because it was bold and bright as I had changed the images hue/ saturation making the colours appear more rich, also my image was the most eye catching because of the colour, however we all liked the idea of using a close up as I feel that they are extremely effective in catching the attention of potential readers as I have observed when researching different film magazines. With this in mind we have decided to crop my image and zoom in on the face creating a more close up image, which will make it look much more dramatic.
Hollywood studio magazine- shows
an old fashioned masthead also.
We have decided to use Amy's colour scheme as I think it was the best in making the font look visible and east to read whilst making the magazine look authentic, I think that Amy's colour scheme also reflects the genre well - the white giving the cover a ghostly feel and the black contrasting with it making it look mysterious, effective and bold. We have also decided to use the content detail that I have displayed on my cover, this is because we all liked the idea of the issue being dedicated to the genre of horror and we felt that the content detail that I have written was the best suited to the genre of the film that we want to promote.
Also as we want our magazine to look unique we have decided to use Amy's bar code as it is vertical and it takes up less room, looks less bulky and will look quite different to some magazines.
We have decided to use Shonas idea of writing the title 'who am I' with the word 'WHO' and 'I' in capitals and the word 'am' in lowercase as we liked how this looked on the page.
We will now work on our final copy by merging what we liked on everyone's covers.

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