Monday 14 November 2011

Magazine drafts

As part of the promotional package I will need to create a magazine cover promoting the film. As I have been unsure of what image I would like to use for my magazine I decided to manipulate the images that I was considering to use, all of them in the same way (using the spot healing brush to remove imperfections and to give the image a more professional finish, using the dodge tool - which makes the skin look whiter, this gives the character on the cover more pale ghost like skin to make her seem more frightening and to make her look more dramatic) I have also added the text for my magazine onto each manipulated image to see what the image and the text would look like together as a final product. 
This is my first attempt,I chose to use this image as it was very dramatic and scary, I really liked the angle of the face as her face looked much longer and her eyes were more visible as the angle of the face made her chin look much thinner; giving her face a more barrow look and her eyes look much larger making the make up more visible. The manipulation of this image does not look very professional as I found that I had over used the dodge tool making the brush marks very visible, also this makes the skin look far too patchy making it look very unprofessional - it also has allowed me to see how visible the text would be against the image.                                                            
This is the second copy of my magazine, initially this was my chosen magazine image as I thought it was bold, striking and looked very authentic, however I had my doubts on how the image would look when text was applied to it, as I knew that the image may be blocked by the masthead, However I chose to continue manipulating the image to see would it would look like with the text.
I manipulated the image by using the spot healing brush to remove imperfections - again I used the dodge tool to create a pale ghostly look as I felt this would be suited to the character. I also used the burn tool to make her hair look slightly darker as I thought this would look effective as it would contrast with her ghostly pale skin. This image is overpowered by the
text as it bright and bold but the image seems quite dull so it seems that the text draws the attention much more. Also I can see now that the masthead has covered alot of the image, this is disappointing as I did really like the image alone but I will look at others now and have decided not to use this one.

   This is my third cover for my magazine, looking at the finished product I feel that this one is not a strong as my others. The shape of the face in this photo looks very unusual, again in this image the brush marks from using the dodge tool  are far too visible and the white on the skin, this time does not look very realistic, however I do like the image and I think that the text looks very bold and looks well suited to the image. I used the burn tool to make Shona's hair darker to giver her a more mysterious ghost like look.                                     

 This is the text for my magazine, I chose to use this masthead as the red would be symbolic of blood and gore - although the magazine is not genre specific to horror this issue would be the horror film special so using red would relate to the gory horror themed issue. Also although it is quite difficult to see I have written the word 'the' for the title just above the 'F' for film on the masthead, this was inspired a masthead that I saw for Total Film (below) who has the word 'Total' written inside the 'F' of film, I thought that this was very creative as it made the masthead unique and eye catching so I wanted to make my own masthead different - on photo shop I used the blending options to create the effects on the text - I used an inner glow creating a glittered effect and an outer glow to create a white bordered shadow to make my masthead stand out more, the 'THE' on top of the 'F' has effects on the text also I used a black outer Shadow with a high level of noise (89%) to create a misty effect - however I found that when adding the text to my images the 'THE' of the masthead was not very visible because of its dark outershaddow. In this image I have added some text describing to readers what the issue will feature - I stuck to the main colours of re
d, white, black and purple - I wanted the colours to be dark and have insinuations of gore to relate to the magazine's horror film special. Below is my final text layout, I wanted the colours to be kept dark to give the cover a serious edge and so that it would relate to the genre of film that it is promoting. The content that I have written about on the cover is all related to the horror genre I have used the blending options on most of the text to create an outer glow to make the font stand out against the page.

This is my final magazine cover, I think that this looks the most effective as this time I have made the image look bolder and brighter making the image much more striking. For this image I changed the hue/saturation to a higher level to make the colours look more rich and vibrant. I used the dodge tool to make Shona's skin look paler but this time I used the tool very carefully to avoid brush marks, I used the burn tool lightly to make Shona's hair slightly darker - but not fully back as I found that by doing this

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