Wednesday 16 November 2011

Editing in the media suite

Today we my group and I went to the media suite to edit the footage on i movie for our final trailer - it was the first time that we were together as a group since filming the footage featuring the mental home patient so there was alot that we needed to discuss, first of all we watched the whole trailer (minus the three scenes yet to be filmed). We knew that we needed to add effects to the trailer but we wanted to do this when all of the filming was complete, after watching the trailer back we realised that it was far too long and it was very slow - we plan for the trailer to start off slow and get more fast paced as it goes on as this has been done in alot of successful horror trailers that I have analysed such as ' A Nightmare On Elm Street', 'The Ring' and 'The Grude' which I found was extremely effective and created tension and anticipation for the viewers.
We discussed where the scene that we had not yet filmed were to be placed and shortened some clips, we know that the timing of the trailer may be a problem for us, as we feel that our trailer may be much too long.

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