Friday 18 November 2011

Looking at Individual Posters

For our poster again we have decided to print off a copy of all of our final products and choosing what we liked best on each members poster.
In our research we found that alot of people like the poster to be strong and eye catching as it plays a strong part in whether or not they go to see the film, so we knew that our poster had to be eye catching and effective.
Below are each members of my group's final poster promoting our trailer:

Shona's final poster
  This is a photo of Shona's final poster - I like the image that she has chosen to use as the angle is very clever - the upside down photograph is very intriguing and unusual as it is a twist on classic images used for posters. The image is bold and I like the ghostly paleness of her skin as it makes her look more striking and visually appealing. I like the colours used also make the poster look effective as the purple, black and white adds a ghostly mysterious vibe to the poster. The dark colours add to the posters strong impact and it promotes the genre of the film well, shona has used an unusual black liquid effect in one of the eyes which makes the image look more strange and intriguing, I like the dark sinister image as it is eye catching and strong. Shona has used a structured billing block which gives the poster a professional style and her title is written in very large wobbly font which adds to the posters unusual originality which promotes the film very well.

Amys final poster
 This is Amy's final poster I like the darkness that Amy has used by changing the brightness and contrast of the image to make the face appear much darker, this makes the poster look quite mysterious as we cannot see the face clearly so it makes the viewer curious. What I find the most striking about the poster is the title; Amy has used effects to make the title have a glowing effect making it bold, eye catching and one of the posters main focuses. Also Amy has put the names of the directors (members of the team) above the title which I think was a good idea as it highlights the importance of the directors making the poster visually appealing as well as informative. Amy's poster has an eerie ghost like vibe to it making a viewer curious and giving them a feel for what the film is about.

My final poster
This is my completed poster, I chose to stick with the idea of creating a half and half poster showing both of the characters personalities, as I felt this would give the viewers a hint to what the film is about. I selected half of the image and changed the way it looked through image adjustments - I made one side black and white and used a film grain effect to make the side with the villain look like an image that would be seen of an old fashioned newspaper, the other side I made much brighter so the two halves would contrast with one another. I used effects on the text so that the title would look like a fuzzy TV screen and I chose to write the tag line in a writing style font so it would look scrawled and realistic. I made my billing block large and chose to use black and white so that the colours would stand out against one another as I feel that it is important for all text to be seen.

After discussing as a group what we liked best about every ones poster we chose what what parts of each members posters we wanted to use for our final product. In the end we chose to use my main image as we thought that it portrayed the film well and would leave viewers curious and encouraged to see the film. We chose to use Amy's title as it was the most bold and eye catching, we liked the glowing effect that she had used as the effect stands out and gives off an eerie ghost like vibe which would represent the genre of the film well, we also thought that her title looked the most authentic and professional. We also decided to use my billing block but we are going to change the structure of it to make it look more professional, we liked the billing block as we liked how the black and white contrasted with one another and we think that as it has the most text written in it, it looks more authentic. We have decided to use Shona's idea of having a quote from a magazine or newspaper as it would make the poster look professional, and it would give the readers a feel for film.
We have decided to think of a new tag line as we want our tag line to be strong and thought provoking, so we have decided to think of a new tag line as a group.

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