Thursday 17 November 2011

Creating the final magazine and poster

As we have decided to create a group magazine and poster by voting what we liked best about each members individual posters we have now started to create our final magazine front cover. Above are all three magazine, on my previous post I had listed what we will be using from each members final cover. We will now merge our magazines together to create the final product, on Thursday 17th November we started to create our final product. Below is the progress that we have made on creating our final cover as a group:

 This is the first attempt we had created on our cover, we first used my final image and made it larger on photo shop, this is so we had more of a close up image showing the face up close as we felt that this much more scary and striking.
We used the main font 'Eras Demi Light' as we liked how it looked on Amy's final cover, as it had a nice shape and style to it and also the font was round and bold so looking at all of the final products we felt that Amy's font stood out the most and was the clearest to read. We also used Amy's idea of writing the title of the film in black and white as alot of the image is quite dark we needed something that would really stand out against the page, also the black and the white would stick to the main colour scheme of the cover. This is our first attempt at creating the magazine together, we now plan to change the colours and add final touches.  
This is the second copy of the magazine, we have made quite a few changes, we decided to change the colours of the masthead to black and white so that it would link with the title of the film - they would be inverted colours, this would make the magazine look much more organized. Also the change of the colours in the masthead made it look more more bold and readable; the masthead should be one of the main focuses, visibly, on the magazine cover. We have also changed the colours to purple as we feel that it would be suited to the horror theme and it matches the cover models make up, we have added a bar code, which we chose to make horizontal as it would look less bulky and take up much less room, we added the price and date in small white font just above the bar code creating a much more organised look, we chose to have the price of the magazine at £2.50 as this is a good, fair and affordable price, also most film magazines are priced at around £3.00-£3.50, so we did not want to make the price too much or too less over this average price. The issue number has been placed just under the title as we feel that it is important that the readers are able to see what issue number the magazine is, however we did not put in in a particularly large font as it is not the most important thing that would be featured on the cover.   

On Monday 21st of November we compleated the cover fully to create our final magazine cover, below is our final finished product:
I am very pleased with the final product as I think that it looks authentic and promotes our film well. 
For the poster we used the main font of Eras Demi Light, in red as the font was bold with a rounded shape which made it look quite simple and to too over the top, we chose to have this font as the main font for the text that gave details of the content of the magazine to make it look organised and so that the text would be linked, we chose to use a size 16 font as we needed to make it stand out and bold enough for the readers to see as it is important that they are able to see what the magazine is about. We used the font garamond for the title of the film ' Who am I' as we wanted to be creative with font style and we did not want all of the font to be the same as this would have made the cover look quite boring, and we want it to be visually appealing to readers, this font was very strong and sharp so would make the title of our film really stand out.The colours that we have used compliment one another making the magazine look structured and organzed as well as eye catching, the black and the white contast with each other making the text look stricking and bold and the red adds a splash of color to make the text stand out more because of its brightness, it also hints to the reader what this issue will focus on. Red is symobic of blood, danger and gore so hopefully the viewers could assume that the issue focuses on the horror genre. Overall the colours go well with one another and make the text easy to read and eye catching.
By changing the image from a mid shot to a close up we were able to give the magazine a much more serious and scary vibe, the image is very eye catching as her eyes stare straight at the viewer and her expression looks curious and vacant, the image draws in a viewer as it is unusual and dramatic, which I think gives the image a stronger impact and would draw in potential buyers.

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