Wednesday 16 November 2011

List of camera shots

For our trailer we are hoping to use a variety of different shots to create a strong visual appearance for our trailer, below is a list that I have devised of different shots that we will use.
 -The first scene - showing scarlet walking into the mental home, this will be a long shot so that we are able to see the whole of Scarlet.

- When Scarlet sits in her cell alone - Long Shot
- Flashback of Scarlet and her sister on the swings - Two Shot
- Scarlet sitting on the floor rocking anxiously back and forth - High Angle Shot
- Flashback of both sisters playing with one another - Pan/ Establishing Shot
- Scarlet sitting on the floor crying - High Angle Shot
- Scarlet having a nightmare - High angle shot
- Empty chair, showing scarlet has escaped - Long Shot
- Scarlet runs to the abandoned house - Establishing shot
- Scarlet looking in the mirror - Over the shoulder shot
 -Ghost appearing/ Scarlet turning around - Mid shot

So far we have only determined the shots of the scenes that we have already filmed as we may change our mind for new scenes while filming.

New Scenes
Now that we have filmed the remaining scenes the shots have now been established:
- Scarlet getting her photo taken - Mid Shot
- Scarlet walking across the bridge - Long shot
- Murder Scene - Two Shot
- Scarlet ripping down posters - Long shot (Camera will then zoom on the poster)
- Final scene when Scarlet screams - Pan

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