Wednesday 21 September 2011

Film characters and Actors

Minute meeting

As a group we held another meeting to discuss what we were looking for when choosing actors, as our film will centre around the life of one character in particular, we have all agreed that only one lead role will be needed for our film.
As we have looked at a variety of horror films we were able to look at the kind of character we wanted, we need a female character, who would be able to pull of palying two compleatly different roles. We decided that we would follow classic horrir film conventions when choosing a character, like in 'The Ring', 'The Grudge' and 'The Uninvited' we will have a young looking character with a very innocent face, to show the nature of the character well. We need our main character to look very child-like and sweet, so we have chosen to use  Shona because we feel that she is best suited to the character and she is able to act very well.
Also our lead character will be playing two completly different roles so we will need to be able to make her look different by using dramatic make up and styling her hair to make her look more sinister and dark.
We have changed our storyline slightly since our last meeting so we will also need another girl to play a small role in the trailer, she needs to have some similarities to the charcater as our main characted will have re-occuring flashbacks of her sister who she thinks has been murdered We will need to find another young looking girl to play the sister.
Overall we are very happy with our chosen actress as we feel like she is very well suited to the role and knows what to do in terms of playing different characters as she is aware of what we need both roles to come across as.
We are now able to look at costume and make up to suit our actress and the role.

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