Sunday 18 September 2011


Meeting 1

As I will be working in a group to produce the film trailer we will need to have a series of meetings to discuss the storyline, genre, setting, costume, characters soundtrack and orders of the trailer.
In our first meeting which was held on the 20th of August we discussed what genre we were going to do, we decided to do a horror film trailer as we felt that we would be able to produce an effective trailer suited to this genre.
We had an idea, having watched a documentary on multiple personality disorders, to base our film on someone with a mental disorder, our initial idea for the disorder was either a character with multiple personality disorder or schizophrenia. Out first storyline idea was to have a young girl with many different dangerous personalities that she was unable to control, the film would look at her trying to find who she really is.
However after further discussions during the meeting we decided that this would be very complicated to produce a trailer on and the storyline may not fit in to the horror genre.
To help us come up with ideas we looked at many horror film trailers such as 'The ring', 'The Grudge 1, 2 and 3', 'Orphan', 'Dread' and 'Paranormal Activity'. Looking at these trailers we noted that most of them start of slower and get faster and more frightening as they go on.
Having looked at these trailers we found that out storyline was missing the scary element that all of these films had. From this we decided that our storyline needed to be refined.
After further discussion on our storyline we decided that we should base the story on a murder or trauma that the girl has seen that has caused her to go mad, with this in mind I suggested that the girl should be the murderer.

Thursday 8th September
Meeting 2

At the start of the lesson we had a short meeting to discuss the specific genre of our film, we agreed on the genre of psychological horror, as our film will make the viewer think alot and it is based on mental illness. We also decided the rating of our film, we chose to make our trailer a 15, as it will not contain violence or be too gory, we wanted to aim our trailer at people of around 15 years and over because we did not feel that our trailer would be suitable for younger people as they may have found it confusing or scary.
This was our first media lesson of the term and we were able to discuss our storyline with our teacher, who suggested that our storyline was quite confusing. With this point in mind we decided to change our storyline.
Later in the day my team member Amy and I discussed the storyline further we refined our storyline to make it less confusing, deciding that the mental home patient goes to hunt her sisters murder, after having flashbacks of the events leading to her death, she escapes the mental home to find the murder and then later discovering that she herself killed her sister. Her mental state gets worse and she will then murder more people.
We now have compleated the plot for our trailer and can begin filming once we have told our team member Shona about the changes that we have made to the storyline.

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