Wednesday 21 September 2011

Audience research: Questionnaires

As part of our research we will need to find out what is popular with our audience, we will need to find out what our target audience (15years and over) like about horror films, trailers and posters. This will help us to meet their needs through our own poster, magazine cover and trailer.
To do this we will need to produce a series of questionnaires and distribute them to people that are in our target audience.
As a group we held another meeting and thought of questions that we could ask our audience, this is the first questionnaire that we have devised, asking our audience about horror films and trailers:

1. How do you find out about new films that are released?

2. Do you find black and white horror films scary or hard to watch?
Hard to watch

3. What attracts you the most to a horror film trailer?

4. Do you like captions/ phrases or text throughout the trailer?

5. Do you think a voice over has a big impact on a horror film trailer?

Questionnaire 2 -Posters

1.What attracts you to a film poster?
Tag line
Strong image

2. Does the film poster have an effect on whether you go to see the film?

3. What do you find more frightening on a horror film poster?
The setting
Collage of images
Long shot of a human body
Close up of a face
An object

4. Which of these posters do you like best?


Questionnaire 3 - Magazine

1. Do you like to buy a film magazine that focuses on a specific genre or do you prefer a more general film magazine?

2. What do you like your film magazine to feature?
Photo shoots
Insider information on films      

3. Do you like covers to have a specific colour scheme?

4. What features on a magazine attract you the most?


5. Which of these covers do you like the most?


                                           Once we had finished writing our questionnaires we printed then and distributed them to a group of people in our target audience, we will collect and record the results in order to obtain the information we need to create our promotional package. Here are pictures of what the questionnaires looked like once they were printed. We felt that it was extremely important to include pictures in the questionnaire as we wanted our target audience to be able to look at existing products that they felt were effective in promoting a media product (film). Using visual examples such as pictures would enable us to look at typical conventions and get others opinions on what was visually appealing about them. Also we did not want to have too many questions as we did not want to bore our target audience, if we gave them too many questions then they may not have given genuine answers due to boredom, we kept the questionnaires short and to the point, only asking the more crucial, important and relevant questions.

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