Tuesday 27 September 2011

Casting (group meeting)

Within our group we held a meeting to decide who our actress would be, through the summer we all discussed what look we wanted our character to have - we all agreed that we wanted a young character who could play both the innocent mental home patient and the sinister villain.
We looked at various different actresses for the part - their pictures are shown below:

One of these is a member of our group, and we felt that she had the right look for the character and she could also act both parts very well. We also agreed that as she is a member of our group she already knows what we are looking for in both of the personalities of the main character. We feel that she is a good choice of actress as she looks very young and innocent, which is what we wanted the character to look like and using make up we can make her look much older and we intend to use dark, dramatic eye make up to make her look more scary. Looking at horror film conventions there are always female, petite, seemingly innocent ghost or villain. In 'The Ring' the main character Samara, had a big impact on our choice, as having watched the film, we wanted our character to have the same youthful innocence as her. However Samara's character, much like our own, appeared innocent but turned out to be a demonic child who haunted and killed others through the sinister video tape that the film is featured on.
All of us what our main character to look very childlike as no one would suspect that she is evil to begin with. when our character is in the mental home we want her to look innocent so no one would know that she is also the murderer.

The second character in our trailer will only play a small part of the villains murdered sister, she will have to be the same age and height as the main character, but as she is only her adopted sister there will need to be a distinctive difference, ie hair colour, for this part we audition two people, one being myself and another was Amy a member of our group, we decided that it would be better for a member of the group played the part as then we know what we want the character to be like (act in the way we want the character to be portrayed, so we wont need to give too much direction) and we will have access to our actresses.


This is a picture of myself and Amy, we felt that I should play the role of the sister, purely because I am a similar height to our main character and I would be suitable to play a younger character. We now have both characters that will be featured in the film finalised and will be able to film very soon as we have used members of the group as actresses so we will not have any difficulty getting hold of the actresses when filming.

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