Saturday 24 September 2011

Final Storyline

My team members and I have had many meetings over the past month to discuss our storyline, our storyline has been changed many times, but in one of our meetings we discussed our storyline and planned what exactly will be happening in our film.

The story is based on a young girl who is sent to a mental institution after her sisters death, she knows that everyone thinks she killed her sister but she is convinced that she is innocent. While she is in her cell she has a series of flashbacks of the events that had lead to her sisters death. She becomes increasingly angry and starts to get quite violent, she finds a way to escape the institution and is desperate to hunt down her sisters killer. She goes back to places from her past in hope for clues, her flashbacks become more apparent (this is where the trailer will become more fast paced). She goes to where her sister was killed and sees herself in a flashback, she see's herself killing her sister and realises the truth, this makes her remember everything and she then walks free to carry on killing others from her past.

In our trailer we will only show a small amount of what our film is about as we want to make the viewer curious and intrigued, we want our trailer to be scary so we will need to find a way.

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