Thursday 22 September 2011

Costume and make up (mise en scence)

For our film trailer we will look at various costumes to make our film look dramatic and realistic, as a group we will all need to agree on costumes that we think would be best suited to our character.
As our character will have two different personalities, we needed to think of two completely different looks. For our first character or 'personality' who will be in the mental home we wanted to stick to horror film conventions (such as the ring, the grudge, and the uninvited) and have her wearing a white dress, as this will give the character an innocent but ghost like vibe. Over the summer my team members and I went to a vintage store to look for costumes, we wanted something that was quite old fashioned, in the end we chose a simple rough silk dress, the dress was mid length and reminded us of a typical hospital gown, which we quite liked. The dress looks very child like, and very old fashioned so we felt that it would suite the role of a mental home patient very well, and it would also reflect the innocence of our character effectively. For the make up for this character we want to keep it quite simple, we want her to look pale and drained with red bags under her eyes to make her took tired and stressed, for her hair again we will stick to horror film conventions and make it blunt straight.

For the second character, we wanted something completely different, our costume colour choice was black, as it would portray a dark, sinister, evil character well. For this costume we will use a black lace dress, which gives off a Gothic vibe, under a netted black skirt. This will create a dark Gothic, witch - like look and this would be perfect for the character who is the villain, or murderer.
For the make up we will need the character to look much older so we will use quite alot of make up on her as our actress is young. We have chosen to make her face look as pale as possible to make her look scary and ghost-like, we will also use dramatic eye make up - mostly black to contrast with her pale face, we want her to look evil and quite crazy so we are going for over the top make up and big hair. My main inspiration for the make up came from looking at the poster for black swan.

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