Monday 19 December 2011

Burning the disk

On Thursday 15th December, once we completed the trailer, added the final touches like the title date and finalised the sound, we were then able to burn the trailer onto a disc. To do this we had to open i-DVD and select a theme for the opening of the trailer we chose the theme 'Revolution' which looks like the example,left. We thought this theme would be appropriate because it showed the clips in a revolving motion which we all thought looked very professional and effective. Before we burned the disk we needed to save our ancillary texts, which were our magazine and our poster. 
Final Poster which
we attatched to i-dvd
The magazine and poster saved so that we could show our promotional package all together. Overall I am very pleased with our final promotional package as we had developed our own house style so when the products were put together they all linked well together. 

Final Magazine attached
to i-dvd

Once we had attached our final magazine and poster which we have saved in a folder labeled 'ancillary texts'. We then imported our trailer onto i-dvd and began to burn the disk, as the first disk took quite a long time to burn we were only able to get the trailer burned onto one disk, so we will burn the trailer and ancillary texts onto two more disks next lesson.

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