For my A2 media coursework I will be making a 30 second film trailer, poster and magazine front cover promoting the film. I will be working in a group of three for this piece of coursework and we will make the trailer, the chosen genre that we have decided is horror because I find this genre of a particular interest as I think that horror films are engaging and gripping.
For this course work I will need to do lots of research, which will require me watching a series of horror film trailers, but first I will need to look at promotional packages - these are a movies trailer, poster and magazine front cover, the first film that I have chosen to analyse is ' the dark knight'.
I will first analyse the Empire magazine cover for the dark knight:
For this course work I will need to do lots of research, which will require me watching a series of horror film trailers, but first I will need to look at promotional packages - these are a movies trailer, poster and magazine front cover, the first film that I have chosen to analyse is ' the dark knight'.
I will first analyse the Empire magazine cover for the dark knight:

Empire offers one of two special edition covers, one showing batman and the other showing the joker, both covers are the same but different images are used so that readers and fans of the film can collect one or both special edition covers showing their favourite character.
On the cover a strong striking image is used to grab the readers attention - a close up of both characters are used as a shot of the characters doing a menacing expression allows the reader to compare both covers.
The main characters are put on the cover so that the readers will know instantly who they are and what film they are promoting, also the image is very bold and effective as both characters look menacingly at the camera making it seem like they are looking directly at the reader creating an eerie effect,
The masthead is at the very top of the magazine so that it is clear to see - large font is used and the letters are outlined in colour to make the font look bolder and stand out even more.
The colour scene is simple as the same main colour is used, blue, white and grey which makes the makes us focus on the image and it make the magazine cover look more organized. Also the colour used on both covers complements the image, for example on the second cover (of the joker) green is used instead of blue as it complements the green hair and costume of the photo.
This makes the font look bolder and better suited to the magazine as it matches the image perfectly.
A left side third is also used to make the cover look organized and less crowded - putting all or the font that describes the magazines content on the left ensures that the image is visible and the cover looks neat.
A plain black background is used on the cover to make it look dark and mysterious - the font used on top contrasts with the background to make it stand out against the page and it also ensure that it is clear and easy to see. Also the use of a plain background ensure that all of the focus remains on the image and the text.
Also on the cover a subtitle is used to let the readers know what film is being promoted, under the masthead 'the dark knight' is written in large bold font in a similar font to the masthead to show that it is a special edition issue dedicated to the movie ' the dark knight'. Also as it is at the top it shows that it is important as the magazine will be looking at the film so it lets fans of the film know that it is of importance in the issue making them more eager to buy the issue.
Overall I think that the magazine promotes the film very well through the image itself - both images are strong and eye catching and as there are special edition covers dedicated to the film release it shows that there is lots of interest in the film and also it will help the magazine attract readers as fans of the films may be interested in purchasing both issues.
Also the use of colour, text and fonts make the magazine look visually appealing and would attract a wide audience as the film is hugely popular and both dedicated readers and film fans would want to buy the magazine
Film Poster

The poster for 'The Dark Knight' is very effective and meaningful to the film - we see all three main characters looking directly at us with a menacing expression, making the poster look realistic and slightly scary, all of the characters are doing the same thing - holding their trademark item also half of their face covered portraying a sense of mystery. The joker is holding a playing card with an image of the batman on suggesting to us that he is his nemesis. Also showing all of these characters together show that they are somehow linked in the film. On the very top of the poster there is a line of the names of the actors starring in the film - this is always done in most movie posters, in this film there are a lot of well-known actors so people could see who is in the film and it may attract them to see the film more if they knew that their favourite actor/actress was in the film.
The background of the poster is black - portraying a sense of mystery and making the poster seem quite scary, as it is very dark. Also the background contrasts with the text and images to ensure that they are easy to see and they look bold and stand out - such strong photographs are used and using a plain background ensures that the attention is not taken off the images.
The poster for 'The Dark Knight' is very effective and meaningful to the film - we see all three main characters looking directly at us with a menacing expression, making the poster look realistic and slightly scary, all of the characters are doing the same thing - holding their trademark item also half of their face covered portraying a sense of mystery. The joker is holding a playing card with an image of the batman on suggesting to us that he is his nemesis. Also showing all of these characters together show that they are somehow linked in the film. On the very top of the poster there is a line of the names of the actors starring in the film - this is always done in most movie posters, in this film there are a lot of well-known actors so people could see who is in the film and it may attract them to see the film more if they knew that their favourite actor/actress was in the film.
The background of the poster is black - portraying a sense of mystery and making the poster seem quite scary, as it is very dark. Also the background contrasts with the text and images to ensure that they are easy to see and they look bold and stand out - such strong photographs are used and using a plain background ensures that the attention is not taken off the images.
Film Trailer
The trailer for the dark knight I thought was very gripping and full of tension, at the very start of the trailer we hear a dark piercing sound that instantly makes us look and pay attention. We then hear a voice - and it seems as if it is talking directly to us this makes us scared as we feel like we are actually there.
Alot of action shots are shown such as car crashes and explosions
The trailer, similar to many horror film trailers that I have watched starts off quite slow, and gradually gets more fast paced, to create tension, relating to is genre. In the beginning we are shown isolates land capes of the city, a deep sinister voice (voice over) addresses us directly, making us feel uneasy and portraying a sinister sense of reality. We cannot see the character speaking so the voice remains unknown, making us curious and sitting on the edge of our seats, we assume because of the tone and context of what the character is saying, that he is the villain.
The next promotional package that I will be looking at is for 'Kick Ass' another very popular film the magazine cover is very different to 'The Dark Knight' suggesting that the type of film is less serious and more gory. The masthead for the magazine links in with the film and cover as it has a splattered effect - the colour red is used alot on the cover hinting that the film may be quite gory and violent.

The cover is very bright and colourful suggesting that the film has a more fun, action packed vibe - the background is not just one colour their are the other film characters printed in a comic style in the background. The comic book style reflect the nature of the movie, as the film is about superheros which are commonly seen in comic books.
It tells us that the film is about superheros - usually seen in comic books, explaining the comic print background, the main character stands out as the others are shown on the background in a drawn - on effect.
The masthead also links in with the film, the title empire is in a blood splatted effect showing that the film may be gory and violent, it also links in well with the action packed vibe. Red is also used as the colour scheme for other text on the cover, making the cover very bold and eye catching, also the color red suggests danger and blood so the cover continuously hints of the context of the film.
The title of the film is written in large luminous green font, making it really stand out and catch the readers eye. Also the green is featured in the characters costume, showing that the colour in particular has some significance in the film, the neon green is very bright, so it would make the name of the film stick in the viewers mind.

This poster for 'kick ass' is very vibrant and immediately catches your eye - we are drawn into the poster as it is eye catching and bright.
The title in this poster is very large and in the center of the poster, this is not usually done as the movie's name will not be the main focus of the poster. However the characters in this poster seem to burst out from the title making it both unusual and interesting. The characters are presented in a very cartoon style, the main character overlaps the rest and we cannot see their full body. We are able to distinguish who the main character is the minute we look at the poster, the characters all wear different coloured costumes so that they stand out and we can tell who are the villains or heroes. The characters at the back wearing red and black strike us as the villain - black is dark and mysterious but also sinister making us think that the characters role will reflect what the colour that they are wearing represents. Red represents danger, violence and blood telling us that the character in red may also be a villain.
All of the characters are looking directly towards us, giving the poster a strange sense of reality as it looks as if the characters are looking directly at us.
The tag line is written at the bottom of the poster written it white - contrasting with the posters back background making it bolder and more striking. The tag line is very directive - it seems as if it is talking to us and it also includes the name of the film in the tag line so that the films name sticks in our mind.
Overall I think that the poster promotes the film very well as it is bright and visually appealing - the poster would attract a wide range of people, but mostly teenagers as it is bright and has a video game style to it and an action-packed vibe which would appeal to a teenage audience.
This is the trailer for kick ass
Third promotional package

This is the Empire cover for Harry Potter, The Harry Potter franchise is a global phenomenon, so the cover is simple and the character is just shown glaring our from the page. By looking at this cover most people would know who this is, and what film is being promoted. The magazine cover has a very serious tone to it - the actor,dressed in character glares towards the reader looking very angry and vengeful, this ultimately gives the reader a feel for the entail tone and content of the film; by looking at this cover one would no assume that the film that is being promoted is happy or cheery. The actors eye colour has been enhanced to make them a bold striking blue and the colour of the background matches the characters eyes - this shows that the magazine has clearly thought about presentation and colour scheme as they have made the colours link with the image. Also I think that this image is incredibly strong - it is not typically perfect image that we would expect to see on a magazine cover, the character on the cover has blood on his face suggesting violence and creating the serious tone that the magazine cover has. Although the image is very eye catching, it does not draw the attention away from the bold masthead, the masthead is at the very top of the page and is written in bold, bright red this makes it stand out hugely and the red links in with the theme of the film - it signifies danger, blood and violence which gives us a strong impression about the next Harry Potter Film.Also the lighting of the image is very dim-lit which makes the image seem gloomy and mysterious -the darkness of the image makes it seem much more iintriguing. The colour scheme of the magazine is white, red and yellow, typically on most magazine covers there will be a colour scheme of only three colours, this is done so the cover looks organizes and there is no so much to look at that the reader gets confused.

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