We curled her hair slightly to create a messed look as we did not want her hair to look perfect, we also backcombed her hair to make it look more messy and give it volume. We did this because her character is very unusual and mad, she would not have neat hear and she needed to look completely different to the mental hospital patient.
We chose this black outfit to hint the characters dark sinister nature and also it looks quite old, which is what we wanted our character to be as the film will not be set in modern times.
In this picture the character is in the woods we chose this setting as this is secretive, empty and it is near where her sisters murder will take place, so in the film this is where the character will be re-tracing her steps. I like the eeriness of the setting and I think that this background relates to the film making it a suitable image.
This image is a mid shot, we are able to see the character from the head to the waist, I like that the image shows enough of the character for a viewer to make assumptions about her.
The girl is looking directly at the camera to show that she is focusing on something, we wanted the viewer to feel like the character is looking directly at them, which would give the poster a sense of reality. Her head is tilted downwards making her face look longer and making her seem more eerie and strange. Her mouth is open suggesting that she could be talking to us, her eyebrows are creased making her look angry and unfriendly so this image deliver the nature of the character across to the audience.
I think this image is very strong, the girl looks as if she is coming towards us, which would give are poster a realistic, haunting vibe. I think this image is scary because the eyes look so piercing and dramatic, the make up is clearly shown in this image, creating the dramatic eccentric style of the character. I like this image and am considering using it for my poster as I this is one of the more scary images that was taken. I like that this is a close up shot as the characters eyes look striking and it is very eye catching, also her head is tilted making it look unusual and surreal. This pose and image is similar to the shots I have seen of 'The Grudge' character Kayako, who is the ghost and main character of the film, the way she had her head tilted makes her look somewhat evil and menacing. Also a key feature of the grudge character is her dark, piercing eyes, that makes the viewer focus on her ghostly face - this is what the image will do for the viewer and I think once it has been edited it will be an even stronger photograph. I particularly like the lighting in this photo, we chose to do the photo shoot in the day as we wanted the images to come out clear. The lighting in this image is brighter on one side making the hair look white and the character looks older because of this. The photo shoot took place in the woods as that is where alot of the trailer will be set so the setting in our photo shoot had to remain relevant to the rest of the film.
This next image is a mid shot, so unlike the last photo you can see more of the characters body - and what she is wearing. In our group, we wanted the costume for this character to be very over the top, but old fashioned slightly. We chose a black lace dress as we liked the long sleeves that were lightly see through and contrasted with our actress' pale skin. We also thought alot about what the colours symbolise - we wanted both persona's of our character to be opposite, this includes the way that they dress. As we knew that the hospital patient would have a white gown on, we opted for the opposite colour, black. Black symbolises mystery, darkness, the unknown, death and decay - which would suit the villain perfectly, she is a very dark evil woman and the costume hints this to the viewer. In this image she again has her head tilted, we wanted to show her long messed hair, to give her an eerie vibe, like the grudge and the ring's main characters, or, villains. The character hides behind her hair so that we cannot see half of her face, this can make a viewer assume that she has a secret or something to hide. Her smile is less innocent and more sinister, she looks quite smug and mischievous, and this could reflect her mental state as she looks like she had done something wrong, but has no remorse.
I like this poster as it reflects that the character has a secret, she has her finger on her lip as if she is addressing the audience and telling them to keep her secret, using this image would make the viewer curious as to what the film is about, the setting and the character do not really hint much, other than giving the secretive vibe. The setting of this image is again the woods, where most of our trailer will take place, we found the tree, with engraved initials and thought that it could be something symbolic in our film, we liked the sinister look that the engraved tree created as it look quite strange, however I do not feel as if this is one of our more strong photos - as really the tree does not have much relevance to or storyline and featuring this image on the cover would be confusing.
This image came from an idea that I had of doing an upside down photo, because this would be eye catching and it would be very unusual, however I think I want a more complex idea that gives some hint about the film. I think in this photo her eyes are far too squinted, whereas we wanted a wide eyed, shocked look. I like the lighting in this image as it is very strong and makes her look extremely pale and ghost-like, I also like how the place skin contrasts with the black lace costume, making the skin an costume look bolder creating a much stronger impact.
The setting in this images is a field of flowers that we came across in the park, the flowers could signify beauty and innocence, making the image look more visually appealing. The fact that she is lying down would intrigue the viewer as they would wonder what has happened to her, this would make them look twice and make them curious as to what the poster is showing.
In this image we see the character from a long shot grabbing onto branches, I think this image looks very sinister, however it does not have the dramatic impact that the close up shots have. I really like the gnarled trees in the background add to the scary eerie effect, and the poppy seeds in the front of the image give this picture a witch like vibe. I like the dramatic look, the angle of the face and the powerful dominant expression, however this image does not give the same strong impact as a shot of just Shona's face.
In this image the costume can also bee seen very well and the character looks quite extravagant and grand however the make up confuses us as it is very scary and unusual.
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